Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October Already?!?!

I can't believe it's already October! Where is the time going?

I know I haven't posted in FOREVER but really my life has been pretty, well boring. That move that I was so excited for...didn't happen...long, painful story associated with that. So I'm still here, in hEl Paso for who knows how long...(hopefully not too long). However, it sometimes feels like I'm going to be here for FOREVER! It's very frustrating.

This is why I haven't been posting, my daily routine has come down to:

  • wake up

  • go to office

  • pick up little ones

  • drive all over the city taking little ones to activities

  • have dinner

  • Facebook and a little talking to Tony

  • bed

  • repeat

I need a job but it's next to impossible to have the time to look for one and I never seem to be able to finish my applications...*sigh*

Plus, if I were to get a job, I have no idea how I would get there cause I STILL DON'T HAVE MY LICENSE EVEN THOUGH I COULD PASS THE TEST! We haven't had the time to get my title, it's EXTREMELY annoying and it infuriates me.

(This is where I wanted to post a pic of my car but Blogger was being evil)

On the bright side, things with Tony are great. We celebrated our one year back in September and get this, we were together! :D I flew down there to visit and it was fantastic. We went to Destin and the beach was gorgeous and so was the water. It was my first time in the Gulf. It took some adjusting for me cause I'm used to the cold water in the Pacific and not being able to see in what's in the water and having to be cautious as to where you step because of it. I really liked the Gulf, I plan to make many more trips to the Gulf in the future.

Unfortunately, we probably won't get to see each other again until February...it's hard but we have no choice at the moment.

Well I'm hungry so I'm going to go grab some lunch. Bye!