Thursday, October 4, 2012

NewsDaily: Tiny, new African dinosaur species unveiled

NewsDaily (2012-10-04) -- A new dinosaur the size of a house cat and described as a cross between "a bird, a vampire and a porcupine" has been identified in a piece of rock from South Africa.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Time Flies

So I know I said I would keep up with my blog better but I just can't seem to write as much as I'd like. Things have been hectic with school.

We had snow days for a week back in January. I don't recall ever having snow days when I was a kid. Well it threw my school schedule off and now we're playing much fun!

In more exciting news, I got to spend the previous weekend with Tony. :D
My sister had a ice skating competition in St. Louis, (maybe I'll get a video up) and he drove up to watch her skate and spend time with your's truly. It was a great weekend, we went to the zoo and inside the arch. I didn't take as many pics as I thought I would but I never do and I always regret it and say, "Next time I'll take tons." Maybe one of these times, I actually will. LOL

Next week, the Disney College Program is going to be at EPCC. I'm super excited but also kind of nervous. I've wanted this for so long, what if they don't like me? I'm trying to stay positive and not think about it much.

The 27th is my birthday. I will be 21! Finally! I can't wait. I don't think we're doing anything big, just going to Japanese Kitchen but I never know what my mom has planned. There are only a few negatives to it being on that day, it's a Sunday, the Oscars are that night and Tony can't come like he did last year. It's okay though, it's still going to be a great day!

Well I'm off for now. I have to get to class. Hopefully the next time you hear from me, I'll be bringing good news about Disney. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October Already?!?!

I can't believe it's already October! Where is the time going?

I know I haven't posted in FOREVER but really my life has been pretty, well boring. That move that I was so excited for...didn't happen...long, painful story associated with that. So I'm still here, in hEl Paso for who knows how long...(hopefully not too long). However, it sometimes feels like I'm going to be here for FOREVER! It's very frustrating.

This is why I haven't been posting, my daily routine has come down to:

  • wake up

  • go to office

  • pick up little ones

  • drive all over the city taking little ones to activities

  • have dinner

  • Facebook and a little talking to Tony

  • bed

  • repeat

I need a job but it's next to impossible to have the time to look for one and I never seem to be able to finish my applications...*sigh*

Plus, if I were to get a job, I have no idea how I would get there cause I STILL DON'T HAVE MY LICENSE EVEN THOUGH I COULD PASS THE TEST! We haven't had the time to get my title, it's EXTREMELY annoying and it infuriates me.

(This is where I wanted to post a pic of my car but Blogger was being evil)

On the bright side, things with Tony are great. We celebrated our one year back in September and get this, we were together! :D I flew down there to visit and it was fantastic. We went to Destin and the beach was gorgeous and so was the water. It was my first time in the Gulf. It took some adjusting for me cause I'm used to the cold water in the Pacific and not being able to see in what's in the water and having to be cautious as to where you step because of it. I really liked the Gulf, I plan to make many more trips to the Gulf in the future.

Unfortunately, we probably won't get to see each other again until's hard but we have no choice at the moment.

Well I'm hungry so I'm going to go grab some lunch. Bye!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh my goodness

So day after tomorrow my family is going to Crete, Nebraska for my brother's enrollment day at Doane College. My mom has me looking at hotels in Crete and oh mi god, I'm a little scared. The nicest is the Super 8 and well it's not exactly meeting my standards. I'm now thankful that we're only staying for one night.

In other news, my mom is calling about getting financing so that I can get my car! Cross your fingers readers! I really need one asap! On a more depressing note, unless by some miracle we get some money in, we're not going to Cali week after next like we had planned. *tear* It really sucks when your income depends on other people and those people AREN'T PAYING! So if you automatically hear lawyer and think, "oh they must be loaded!" Think again! That's not always the case!

The pool today was good, warm, and entertaining. I got a little frustrated with the snack bar people though, I don't know what their deal is this year but I won't be surprised if the manager starts getting complaints soon. Swim practice for the little ones was fine, Brit was slacking as usual so I made sure I called him out on it after it was over. Then we ordered lunch, which is when I got frustrated with the snack bar...again. If something's on the menu, you're supposed to serve it! Hello! Anyway...after I swam and ate, I soaked up a little sun cause I need some color but I'm not lookin to get skin cancer, thank you very much. Then I got dressed to go up to the office and got the little ones ready to go to the rink. After that I spent the remaning time watching Bow flirt with one of the swim coaches, it was hilarious. Poor Matt, he was trying to do his life guard duties and he had four little girls and Brit trailing after him. Finally, mom arrived and I was able to relieve him of his torture, for now anyway. We dropped the little ones at the rink and now I'm at the office, hoping this little tickle in my throat doesn't escalate into something worse. I really don't want to have to travel with an illness and it won't make this evening's swim meet much fun.

Well I'd better sign off, we're about to leave to get the little ones! I might post later but I wouldn't count on it, I might be a little busy with, achem, stuff. Hehe. :D

Until next time readers!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stuck at the pool and the rest of my Monday.

Well today got off to a rough start...we got stuck out at the pool after swim team practice for almost two hours. On any other day it wouldn't have mattered but the club is only open Tues-Sun. So you see my dilema. We had no way to get food or anything, so I was less than happy. I couldn't get my mom on the phone cause she was in a meeting and my brother was who knows where. All we could do was wait.

Now I'm at the office, trying to find an apartment and hoping we'll be able to get one of the cars I showed my mom so that I won't have to depend on my mom for the rest of the summer to get around town. I also get to register for classes now that I've been "officially accepted" and all that jazz. I should *probably* get on that, huh? Don't worry, I will. I just wonder if I need to wait to hear back from the financial aid office, I already know what they're gonna tell me but yeah.

Now time for my exercise update: I haven't really done any lately. LOL!
Now before you say anything, I'm getting some running shoes tonight so that I can go for morning runs before it gets to be like a gazillon degrees outside. I think it'll be good for me, especially since I'm planning on taking some dance this next semester. I've very excited about it. :D

How's my love life? It's pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. Nah really, things are good. I'm happy, he's happy (unless there's something he's not telling me). And I think he's jazzed about me moving a mere 45 min away from him but I also know he's trying not to get his hopes up cause he knows how things go.

Well that's all for now! Time for me to return to the oh so fun task of finding a place to live. Until next time readers!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Blog.

Well I'm gonna try this whole blogging thing again. I wasn't very good at keeping my last one and so I decided to start fresh.

My life is going pretty good. I have a plan on what I'll be doing in the fall, which is a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders. I was going to be in Moorpark, California but the cost of living is outrageous and we need to save up money for when I get into the program that is at Moorpark. So as a result, I will be in Pensacola, Florida. I'm totally jazzed but having the hardest time finding a place to live. Really? Why must it be so difficult?!

Other than that, I'm at the pool with the little ones or at the office helping mom or at home looking for potential places to live.

That's all for now. Until next time! <3